Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Acceptance of our trials

I have been doing some serious thinking about the trials we pass through in life. 
I have strongly felt over this past year that the trials we go through we willingly accepted. I think that in the pre-mortal life Heavenly Father sat down with us and talked to us about all we would pass through. I think he told us here are the things you will go through. If you make X decision you will have B outcome and if you make Y decision you will have A outcome. I think the same goes for the choices others make in our lives. I think it was sort of like the choose your adventure books. At the end of the section you pick which one you want to do and you will get a different outcome. At the end of this complex explanation Heavenly Father asked us if we would be willing to accept each of these challenges and all of the possible outcomes. Because we are here on earth I think we said yes I accept and will take on each of these challenges. Even though I accepted sometimes when times have gotten rough I think to myself what was I thinking in saying I could handle all of these things. I did, therefore, I will be fine if I keep my roots deeply grounded into my foundation. I am a women of my word and I shall overcome all that comes my way and come out better in the end!

There are so many things we might have or did accept before accepting this mission to earth. 
-Death of a Child
-Married and childless
-Single for your time on earth
-Car accidents
-Work accidents to result in paralysis 
-Natural Disaster destroying your home

I like to think he lovingly took us in his arms and told us that if we stay close with him you will pull through every challenge that comes your way and in the end you will be a stronger and better person for it. 

When we return to his presence he will again take us in his arms and tell us how proud he is for us being faithful and working as hard as we could and staying close to him. He will tell us how much he has missed us and loves us and how hard it was for him to watch us suffer through so many hard and horrible times. He will tell us how much he enjoyed watching all of those sweet moments. He loved watching the accomplishments in life, graduating college, starting our careers, when we fell in love for the first time, when we fell in love for the final time, birth of our children and the joy and happiness they brought into our lives. The joy of watching a friend or family member who wandered far from the fold return. The growth that we make as we progress and learn in life. 
I will in turn tell him thank you for staying by me and giving me the strength to continue moving forward. Thank you for the many opportunities I have had to learn how to grow closer to him and to fully rely on him. Thank you for sticking with me while I tried to put all of my trust in him. Even though I didn't always he never gave up and always gave me another chance. 
What a sweet moment it shall be when we have our reunion in heaven. 


Eugene said...

Very thoughtfully stated.

john said...

Martha, very sage post about our trials. But what about those life experiences that we mistakenly believe to be trials only to find out later they were blessings in disguise? A subject for a future post perhaps?

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