Thursday, June 21, 2012

I jumped to my death and survived!!!

Saturday, June 16th, at 10:00am I did what I think was one of the most brave things I have done yet in my life. Brave is relative as it would depend on what type of brave we talk about. The most adventurous brave thing.  
This is Reid my new best friend. He was my tandem jumping partner. Just getting ready to head off to the plan to board. 
Heading off down the runway to take off. 
Up, up, up and away we go. Just about 9,000 more feet till I jump.

Reid and I situated in our seats getting ready for our turn to go. He double checked everything and hooked us together. Cinched everything up real tight and secure. Alright here we go. 
Is it to late to back out now.........
I guess so, no going back just going down. 

This is one of the coolest experiences ever. I thought you would feel like you were falling but it didn't feel like that at all. If you want to know what it feels like to be a bird and soar through the sky. This will give you the coolest sensation of flying. It was absolutely incredible.

Just hanging out, we were free falling for about a minute or so but it never once felt like we fell thousands of feet. 
I was so lucky to have such a beautiful day. It was a clear, blue sky and we could almost see all the way to Boston. I jumped just about to the New Hampshire boarder. There was a bit of a haze that was rolling in over the city and heading our way. About an hour after I finished my jump it was getting much closer and wasn't going to be as great of view for those who jumped in the afternoon. 
Where did Reid's curly hair go?
Getting ready to pull the cord.
The chute was released,
And up we go in a bit of a jerking movement. 

And up we go back up to where we came from. 
Up to the sun we go. 

Here we come for our landing. I had to keep my legs up in a sitting position to be prepared for our landing. 

Easy goes it as we go down and down. 
We just smoothly land on our rears. 

Martha and Reid after an adrenaline rush and happy landing. 
Here is a little video of my experience and you can vicariously live the experience with me. 
I survived and am still in one piece. 
Richard Danjou and I. He came with me so I would have company as I waited for my jump and also I think he was a little concerned for my jump and he wanted to make sure I landed safely. I have him my cell phone and gave him all my access codes and told him here is your procedure if I don't make it. Call my mom and tell her what happened, because she didn't know that today was my jump day. I didn't tell her so she wouldn't have to worry about me while I was jumping. 
As soon as we get done there is a team that puts the parachutes back together for the next round of jumpers. The day I was there they had over 100 jumpers schedule for the day. They have this process down pat. 

I guess laying on them helps the best to push out all the air. 

This was such an incredible experience. If I was rich I would love to take this up as a new hobby. But it is very expensive so it may just need to be a one time thing. I am so glad I did it. What a phenomenal time, I would highly recommend it to anyone who has ever wanted to do it. You only live once and live life to the fullest.  

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I'm glad you had fun doing that! You are so much braver than I am. You won't find me doing that anytime soon!

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