Thursday, November 24, 2011

A day at Quincy Market

I think by the time we got done with all the adventures Mom and Connie started to love their ride on the "T". They got yet another ride when we went to spend the day at Quincy Market. 
Where's Waldo AKA Mom and Connie
Connie was amazed at how large the foot of the statue was. 
We walked through the Holocaust Memorial and then headed to the street performers. 
This little boy was incredibly talented. 
The Street dancers were fun to watch and they could get there bodies in crazy positions. 

The little boy was my favorite. 

Now it was time for audience participation. They started off by asking for a midget to volunteer. Then then went through the audience and pulled 4 very pretty women to join in. Then the last person they got was a man who was over 6 feet tall. They tried to get the tallest guy in the audience but he wouldn't join.
As they were talking and explaining what was going to happen they kept trying to do things to make us worried for what we were going to be involved in. 
Then randomly this little boy came out and started dancing he was so adorable. The dad tried to catch him but missed him and decided to just let him go out and dance. The performers used it to their advantage and the audience loved it. 
Now we were told to bend over so our backs were flat.
Then one of the performers ran and jumped over 5 and a 1/2 people. I wondered if they had spoke to the midget man before hand to see if they could use him as the brunt of their jokes or if he happens to be their friend and they use him all the time. They were funny about it but hopefully no one was offended by it. 
We got to see some Colonial era people. 
We had lunch at Anthem which was voted the Best of Boston Clam Chowder. Mom and I had clam chowder but Connie did not. She doesn't like sea food. 
Then we walked down to Modern Pastries and got some cannolis and then went to Mike's Pastries to get Lobster Tails. As we were walking there we past the park area and Connie kept telling us I don't want a Lobster tail. We kept trying to tell her it was just a pastry but she still thought it was going to taste like a lobster or have lobster chunks in it.  

We got two Lobster Tails so we could share them between the three of us because Connie was sure she wasn't going to like them. But once she started eating it she asked when we could go back and get more before they went home. 
Connie was really into comparing how big things were. They could not believe the size of the Lobster Tails. It was bigger than her hand. Unfortunately, we didn't make it back for Connie to get her seconds. I guess that will require her to come back to visit me so she can have Lobster Tails once more. 

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