Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camping in the Berkshire State Park (Clarksburg)

My friend Daniel and I had planned a trip to go to Niagara Falls for a weekend trip. It didn't end up working out for us to go there but we still wanted to get out of the city. We had a group of people planned to go and that also didn't end up working out so we decided to still keep the plans and go camping for the weekend. We went to the Berkshire for the weekend and it was so beautiful. 
This was the most beautiful sight. Friday night when we arrived it was raining and when morning came the fog was rolling off the ground and with the sun rays seeping though the trees and mixing with the fog, it was the most mejestic view. I just wanted to sit there and take it all in. It didn't last long and before I knew it, the view disappeared. 
Saturday morning Daniel and I went on a hike around the lake. We ended up taking a detour and decided to walk up to Vermont and then head back through the forest back to our trail. It was a beautiful hike and a lovely day. 

The lily pads were so bright and green. I love how slick they look. The flower next to it looked very pretty even though it hasn't bloomed yet. 
Here is part of the pond we walked around. Here we decided to go wading and cool our feet off. While we were wading here in the pond I was enjoying the cool water on my feet and legs, enjoying the breeze and the scenery. I turn and look over at Daniel and I look down into the water and I see something black swimming around Daniel's leg. I can't say anything but hurry and run out of the water. In my rush to get out of the water Daniel hurried and get out as well. I asked him why did you rush out of the water. He said well I know you don't like snakes and I thought maybe you saw one. I said something was around your leg, he pulled up his pant leg to make sure there was nothing there. I then told him sorry I didn't say anything to you and just ran out of the water. He just laughed. We later saw it swimming in the water and it was a leach. Earlier Daniel wanted to go swimming later that night but after the run in with the leach he decided maybe that wasn't a good idea. 

Daniel and Martha
Here is the beach side of the lake. I was practicing how to work the panorama view. 
I thought this mushroom was interesting because it was gold looking. 
Daniel trying to pop his popcorn. And our hobo dinners are cooking on the fire. 
The Hobo dinners turned out very tasty and very filling. 
Me with my dinner. 
And of course it is not camping with out a smore. I like to use the fudge stripe cookies because it gives a better proportion to the marshmallow and chocolate so it helps it to melt better. 
First time to use my camping chair that I got from work for Thanksgiving last year. Yup I am lounging. This is called camping in comfort in my recliner. 
Before dinner we decided to go to a near by pond that didn't have leaches and went swimming out there. We went to Savoy State Park and it was so beautiful and the water was the perfect temperature. We swam out to the middle of the pond and just enjoyed the water. 

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