Thursday, November 4, 2010

Head of Charles

A couple of weeks ago I had a very stressful week. It was an extremely long week. Work was super busy and so busy I actually came home with work to do over the weekend which is the first time since I started working for my company back in March. I really needed a break from life and heard about the Head of Charles. I had seen this type of thing on movies but never in real life. So I thought I would take an escape from life for a little while and go enjoy the afternoon. It was a gorgeous day a bit breezy but gorgeous. People come from all over the world to compete in the Head of Charles.  
It was very interesting to watch them turn the corners and stay inside their boundary lines. You could see it is a little more work than to keep going. At one point they almost had to come to a complete stop to make the sharp turn to stay in line with where they needed to be. But in no time at all they were turned and on their way.
They had teams of 2-to at least 8. I saw up to 8 in a boat. It was very interesting to watch because the smaller teams would chant out together to stay in rhythm. The larger teams actually had a crew chief who sat in the front of the boat facing the team and making sure they stay in rhythm with each other.
It was incredible the speed they get going by working in unison with each other. They look like they are just gliding effortlessly across the water.

There were many vendors who were there as well giving away free samples of all kinds of food and drinks. I tried some tasty juices and ice creams. It was a great break to go and just enjoy nature and not to worry about what was a head of me for the rest of the weekend.
The thing I learned from this weekend is that it is so important for us to remember to stop and take a moment for ourselves. I felt like I was able to let the breeze of the day blow away the business that comes with life. And most improtantly as I was watching the teams work together and how they glided across the water I reflected upon my life in that when I am working in unison with my Heavenly Father and Savior how my life also glides. But if I get off their rhythm how much more work is it for me to try and get where I am heading. Life can get crazy but even in those moments it can be smooth sailing if we stay in rhythm. There may be a few corners we have to turn that will take a bit more effort to make sure we stay in our boundary lines but by working together we can accomplish it all and continue on our way.

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