This is a revolutionary shower. The entire bathroom is the shower. It made it hard to keep the bathroom room because it is such a larger space rather than a smaller shower.
Joanna having a nutritious breakfast.
(bogfrog) if you haven't had one you are missing out.
In Korea the don't really have garbage trucks they have little carts the garbage people push around to pick up the trash.
This to me made me think of a bid seashell.
A fun bridge to crossed the river.
A nice river walk.
Lots of people run around Korea on mopeds. Because it is so cold in the winter they tape padded glove type handles onto the handle bars and will put their gloved hands inside to help keep them warm as they zip through the city.
Joanna took me to a sticker shop. Apparently Korean's love getting stickers made of themselves.
It was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
The US Embassy
They had some crazy architecture here.
This building has a spaceship landing on top of it.
We ran across this as we walked through some sketchy alleys to a restaurant.
Another interesting bubble building.
The Korean culture was very interesting.
They appear to be a very vain people. They like white skin, big noses, chiseled chins, and open eyes. Many of the young people will go through many plastic surgeries before they are ever out of high school so they will be able to look the way they want. They wear makeup that is super light on them to make their skin lighter.
But on the other hand it was a very safe place. The cops don't even carry guns. However the taxi drivers are crazy. I thought we were going to die many times. They swerve in and out of the traffic and speed up as fast as they can go between stop lights. I swear there were no speed limits but Joanna kept telling me there were some but the cops just don't do anything about it.