Sunday, September 9, 2012

Speeding things up!!! NASCAR

A year ago I bought a racing experience and I have been rained out 3 times. Today started out to be a rainy day and I was worried it would get cancelled. But Heavenly Father smiled down on me today and cleared up the sky for the afternoon and dried out the track. 
I had the opportunity to drive a NASCAR. I got to drive it by myself with no one in the car. 

Getting ready to jump in. 

All buckled in and ready to go. While I was waiting to go they had to change my tire so I got to experience what it is like to be in the car while it is jacked up and tire swapped out. 
I was the fastest is my group of 7. I ended up lapping other people in my group and I was the first out on the track. No one passed me except for the ride along car, who has a professional driver in it and he has a passenger so they go really fast. But for my first time I did an awesome job and if it was a real race I would have WON!!! The car was a lot easier to handle than I thought it would be. They made it sound like it would be harder to shift than a standard we are use to driving. But it was just as easy as any other standard I have driven. It was incredible. I loved the speed I got to go in just letting it rip. The corners who exciting as well to feel the car handle so well when you would hold tight to the inside and hug the corners. You really have to hold the wheel very steady and hard on the corners. My left arm was sore the next day because of the tension and how hard you have to pull it. 
It was an amazing experience and I would love to do it again. I just wish everything didn't cost so much. And it is really hard to do here in New England because of how often it rains. Next time I need to pick a state that has a better chance of no rain. 
They didn't give out trophy's but I did get a plaque to help me remember my time on the track. I think I pursued the wrong career and should have been a race car driver. 

1 comment:

Joanna said...

That is so awesome that you got to do that! I know that you are an awesomely fast driver so it is perfect for you :)

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