Thursday, October 7, 2010

Individual portions

I decided to try something new. I love to cook but I hate cooking for just myself so I decided to cook up a bunch of meals and then I can freeze them in individual portions and have a variety of things to eat and then I only had to do the cooking once for a few weeks. I also ended up getting a 1/2 bushel of pears that I had to get canned as well so I had a very busy weekend. But I have amazing friends who helped me. My friend Jonathan came over on Saturday night a few weeks ago and helped me cook up a bunch of the meals. We got most all of them done on Saturday and I had two more that I did on Sunday. I had to more meals planned to make but ran out of fridge and freezer space. By the time I was done I had 17 quarts of pears and 78 portions of food. I did not keep all of it. I thought of two people who could really use it and shared my meals with them. They were both very grateful. One I know has enjoyed the food the other I haven't talked with since I dropped it off but I am sure it has been enjoyed. 
Jonathan and I were very tired by the time we were done cooking for the evening. My preparing for this event started as early as Thursday night in making homemade noodles for the chicken noodle soup. Then I canned 6 quarts of pears on Friday.
 Here is a list of the other food items we made: Breakfast Burritos 2 kinds, Chicken and rice soup, Chicken Noodle soup, Lasagna and Garlic Bread, Busy Day soup, Chicken Parmesan and pasta, Ham and Beans, Sloppy Joes, Meatloaf, 
Look at all that food. It has been really nice to just grab something and heat it up and have a nice home made meal. I had been buying the freezer dinners from the store but they cost around $3.50 to $4.00. I think when I figured out the cost of the food for the meals I made it was about $2.00 a meal or less. I thought that is a pretty good exchange. 
I had pears left to finish canning and my Friends Mindy McDonald and Ruby Sagastume came and helped me out on Monday. They both wanted to learn how to can so they came over and helped and I taught them how to can pears. It was a win win situation and I even sent them away with a jar of pears. 
I was so grateful for all the help I received in getting this all done. I was also preparing to leave town on Thursday of that week and it was nice to get everything done before I left so I didn't have to worry about anything. 
Thanks to Amazing Friends who are so willing to serve others! 

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