My bathroom sink has not been draining very well lately. I thought I knew how to take the stopper out and clean it out but I didn’t want to damage anything so I called my dad to get a confirmation that I was right. For something so minor I hate to call my landlord and bug him about something like that so I wanted to try and fix it on my own. I got the stopper out and was starting to get some things out of the drain but I could tell there was stuff deeper I couldn’t get out with the screw driver. I found a hanger and made a hook on the end of it. I put it down the drain and I accidentally got it down further than I expected it to go and it got stuck. I tried and tried to pull to get it out and it just wouldn’t come out. I had to go get my oil changed and run a few errands so on my way back I called my dad and told him what happened and he said to try turning it and pull up and see if I could get it to come out if I could get it to turn and release while applying pressure in pulling up. I couldn’t get it to come out. I knelt down and I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me to get it out. I tried and tried more and it still wouldn’t come out. The goose neck on the piping has been glued so I can’t open that up and release it. I called my dad to see what else he thought I could do and he was at a loss as well. He told me well you might have to call your landlord after all and tell him what you did so he can come fix it. I said I was trying to fix such a simple problem and I have made a bigger one. As I was talking with him I had the impression to shove it down deeper and pull up in a repetitive motion like a plunger. As I was doing that it finally released and brought up a bunch of gunk with it. I was so thrilled I started to laugh in a high pitched voice speaking fast repeating It came out, it came out, as I did this little victory dance in my bathroom. You would have thought that I had just climb MT Kilimanjaro or accomplished some big feat in life. My dad laughed at me and said I have never heard anyone so excited about clearing a sink clog before. He told me I am a good fisher of clogs. When I got off the phone with dad I knelt down and prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for helping me get the wire out of the sink. I am so thankful for this small little miracle he performed in my life today. He does have a plan for me and a part of that plan is to let me know that he loves me and that he listens to me and that he is here and very much involved in my life.How amazing that miracles still exist and in such simple ways Heavenly Father reminds us they do.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Where did this Martha come from
As many of you know I do not like dogs in the least bit. I don't like to touch them and I don't like them to touch me. I am scared and terrified of them. I know most of them are harmless but that makes no difference to me. When I was younger I was riding my bike to school and a dog chased me and bit my ankle. Then a few years later I would ride my bike to my summer job at the golf course. I would have to ride my bike a few miles out of town and up a hill. Well once i would get to the hill a dog, a big dog, would come down the road and start chasing me up the hill and I hated it and it scared me to death every day. I have also been chased and pounced by other dogs over the year which hasn't helped with my fear of dogs. So Yesterday I spent the day with the Hutchins and we had dinner at the Son's house and they have a little dog not sure what kind but she is a super hyper dog and I was sitting on the couch by Sister Hutchins and the dog jumped up on my lap and all I could do was freeze and lean backwards so it would lick my face and say get down get down and Sister Hutchins came to my rescue and got the dog off of me. After dinner we went back to President and Sister Hutchins house. Prior to my visit Sister H told me they got a little puppy named Gracie. She said bring a change of clothes so she doesn't scratch up your Sunday ones and then you will need to be brave. When we were getting ready to leave church she said it is time to go see the puppy I said ok let's go see the puppy and she said that didn't sound very brave. She made me say it again till I could sound brave in touching and holding her puppy. As we were sitting on the couch she was holding Gracie and she made me pet her ok it wasn't to bad but shortly after that I had to go wash my hands. Then she was on the phone and Gracie was bad and went potty on the floor so she got sent outside and I told her I could watch her while she was on the phone. It was time for Gracie to come back in and I tried to talk her into the house. Do you think she came no, The she started running under the porch step, I got her to come out from under there and then I tried to use the light from the flashlight to coax her into the house. I thought she might like chasing the light. That didn't work either. So finally I gave in and I had to pick her up and I hurriedly ran into the house and put her on the floor. As I came in I said oh boy you should be very proud of me. She laughed. Then I went and washed my hands again. I have been doing things that are totally out of the norm for me lately and I don't know where this daring and brave Martha has come from. We will see if she stays or the old one comes back.
They are not as innocent as they look, I promise!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
First Night in Boston (Me Being Fearless)
This Year for New Years Eve I decided to take an adventure. There are two things that I don't like to do and I did them both in one night. I don't like to ride the T (take the subway/train) and I don't like to go into the city and wonder on my own. My co-worker had told me about the First Night events that take place in Boston. I checked it out online and it looked like it would be a lot of fun. I couldn't get anyone to go in to the city with me so I decided I was going to go in by myself. I felt so brave, I went in on the train and spent time wondering and looking at the ice sculptures. They were amazing I have never seen ice sculptures in real life and it was really neat to be able to see them. It is incredible the talent people have and it was great they shared their talents with so many people.
I made it in time to be able to see the Grand Procession and there were all kinds of fun floats and fun things people were carrying instead of floats. It has been a long time since I have been to a parade and I would have to say this was one of the best parades and most creative I have ever seen. It was a lot of fun.

These were just a few of the fun things I saw. Then they had fireworks and they were really good. The weather ended up being pretty nice not to cold and it had snowed earlier in the day but it had stopped by the time I went into the city. Because it was cold it made a lot of the smoke more apparent. The fireworks really nice regardless.
I also enjoyed walking around and seeing all of the lights. It has snowed earlier on in the day so there was a fresh blanket of white and it was so beautiful. There were so many lights of and one of my favorite sights was the round trees that had white lights on them and then the snow on top of it. I missed being able to talk with someone about all the things I saw but at the same time it was nice to be able to just take it all in and to enjoy the view.
Needless to say I was pretty stoked at my fearless adventure. Okay well it wasn't fearless to start with I really had to talk myself into leaving the house and going but in the end it was all worth it. It was a very refreshing evening and I really enjoyed the time out.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Reason for the Season!
The First thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the spirit of Love and Care in the air!
The Second thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is the memories attached to each ornament on the tree.
The Third thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is all the Christmas lights that remind me our Savior is the light of the world.
The Fourth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is the snow. A blanket of white to remind me of the importance of being clean and pure as the snow is white.
The Fifth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the traditional Christmas songs which help spread
the feeling of Christmas.
The Sixth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the scriptures so we can reread the story of Jesus Christ’s birth.
The Seventh thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
to see many people making an extra effort to be kind to
those around them.
The Eighth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the knowledge that prophets foretold of Jesus Christ’s birth
so the people could be prepared; and knowing we have a
prophet today who is preparing us for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming
The Ninth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
all the thoughtful cards and letters from my family and friends.The Tenth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the nativity to remind me of the humble life Jesus led.
The Eleventh thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
the star shining in the sky to lead the way to the Christ Child,
God has given the gift of the Holy Ghost to us to lead us to
his son’s presence.
The Twelfth thing of Christmas that brings Joy to me is
“the gift” of Christ and remembering the real reason
for celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.
Martha Paxton
I have never been one to write stories or poems but this Christmas Season was a little different. This Christmas I found myself thinking very early in the season of why I Love Christmas. Maybe it was because I knew this was going to be a different Christmas than ones in the past. I would not be spending it with my family. I wanted to make this a special Christmas and one night while I was laying in bed the tune for Twelve Days of Christmas was playing and then a few ideas starting flowing through my mind. I decided to write the Twelve things of Christmas that bring Joy to me. I am a little late in posting it here on my blog but I thought it would be appropriate since we should remember the real "Gift" of Christmas is Christ and we need to remember him all year not just in December.

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